Live Blood Cell Analysis 

The test involves taking a small blood sample from the fingertip using a sterile lancet. The blood is then placed on a microscope slide, covered with a protective cover, and immediately examined under a microscope. Darkfield microscopy provides a nearly three-dimensional view of the blood, magnifying it up to 1000 times. The entire procedure can be observed on a monitor.

Through the screen, you can witness the dynamic activity of your blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and various substances suspended in the plasma such as bacteria, yeast, crystals, plaque, and more. The blood is observed for a duration of 30 minutes, as it begins to deteriorate once it leaves the body. The speed at which morphological changes occur can provide insights into your current state of health.

This analysis method differs from conventional laboratory tests that measure the levels of specific components in a blood sample. Live blood screening offers an assessment of the QUALITY of an individual's blood—a crucial aspect of preventive healthcare that reveals the impact of diet, lifestyle, and stress on our well-being.


Blood is drawn from your finger using a diabetic lancet. We need one drop for the live sample, one drop for the dried sample. This simple procedure is called capillary puncture and I am certified to safely perform it by Edison Institute of Nutrition. It is exactly the same as a diabetic person using a lancet to check his or her blood sugar levels.

Depending on the irregularities found in the blood, the Live blood Cell analysis could reveal the following:

·         Immune System Function

·         Free Radical Cellular Damage

·         Cell Size & Shape Abnormalities

·         Early Recognition of Cardiovascular   

                Risk Factors

·         Essential Fatty Acid Deficiencies

·         Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies

·         Digestive Disorders

·         Low Iron/ Anemia

·         Atherosclerotic Plaque

·         Allergies Tendencies

·         Hormonal Imbalances

·         Uric Acid Crystal & Risk for Gout

·         Kidney/Liver/Spleen Stress

·         Chemical/Heavy Metal Toxicity

·         Degenerative Disorders

·         Parasites

·         Dehydration

·         Poor Blood Circulation

·         Clotting Abnormalities

·         Bacterial Imbalances

·         Yeast/Fungal Tendencies



Dry Blood Cell Analysis

During the Dry Blood Analysis procedure, a client's fingertip is pricked to produce a small droplet of blood.

 This droplet is left on the finger for approximately 30 seconds to allow the process of clotting to occur. Afterward, a microscope slide is gently pressed onto the blood droplet eight times. The slide is then set aside to dry, which typically takes around 15 minutes. 

During this drying period, the eight layers of blood on the slide undergo a remarkable transformation.

Dry Blood Analysis is an effective tool to look at as it shows the body's health state by looking at the layers in the dry blood.  The centre of the blood cell represents the digestive tract, adrenals and our psycho-spiritual health state, while the layers surrounding represents organs, lymph system, bones, spine and skin.  Here, we are able to look at how the body may be healing from a past injury or trauma and see how the present health state is effected or we can see if there are new developments in the most present imprint in the cell.  Every experience, we encounter is imprinted in our blood, as well as our emotional state.   

Dry Blood Analysis could reveal the following:

Detect the presence of inflammation

Assess the progression of inflammatory processes - chronic or acute

Determine the location of the inflammatory process – organ, tissue or system specific

Monitor the progression or reduction of the inflammatory process

Detect heavy metal toxicity

Reveal the presence of parasites

Show mineral and vitamin imbalances

Show antibiotic damage

Detect bowel inflammation

Assess the lymphatic burden

Assess protein metabolism

Thyroid/Endocrine imbalances




The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Maryam Abbasian. Please note that Maryam Abbasian is not a dietitian, physician, pharmacist or other licensed healthcare professional. The information on this website is NOT intended as medical advice, nor is it intended to replace the care of a qualified health care professional. This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. Always consult with your primary care physician or licensed healthcare provider for all diagnosis and treatment of any diseases or conditions, for medications or medical advice as well as before changing your health care regimen.